with the collaboration of:
J. Jansen (Leiden)
R. Kania (Paris)
D. Kunst (Nijmegen)
D. Lunsford (Pittsburgh)
M. Tatagiba (Tübingen)
V. Vander Poorten (Leuven)
organized by Dr. T. Somers & Dr. T. Van Havenbergh, SkullBase Team at GZA Hospitals, Antwerp
08h30-09h00 : Registration and Coffee
09h00-09h10 : Welcome and introduction
Thomas Somers & Tony Van Havenbergh – SkullBase Team GZA Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium
09h10-09h30 : History and philosophy of treatment of paragangliomas
Thomas Somers & Tony Van Havenbergh – SkullBase Team GZA Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium
09h30-10h00 : Radiological features of paragangliomas
Bert De Foer – SkullBase Team GZA Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium
10h00-10h30: Endocrinological features of paragangliomas
Pascale Abrams – SkullBase Team GZA Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium
10h30-10h45 : Coffee Break
10h45-11h15 : Genetic aspects of paragangliomas and how it affects its management
Jeroen Jansen – LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands
11h15-11h45 : Surgery for paragangliomas
Romain Kania – Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris, France
11h45-13h15 : Walking Dinner
13h15-13h45 : Radiotherapy for paragangliomas
Dade Lunsford & TBD – University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
13h45-14h15 : Skull base approaches for jugular glomus tumors
Marcos Tatagiba – Uniklinik Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
14h15-14h30 : Coffee Break
14h30-15h00 : Overview of paragangliomas
Dirk Kunst – Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
15h00-15h30 : Vagal glomus tumors
Vincent Vander Poorten – UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
15h30-15h45 : Closing remarks
Accreditation is approved for 5,5 CP in section 4: international meetings
Registration is limited to 100 participants on first come, first serve basis.
Please register before September 10, 2019
Participation fee: 150 € on KBC Bank Account Nr BE80 7350 2604 3777, BIC code: KREDBEBB
Venue: GZA Hospitals Campus St.-Augustinus, Oosterveldlaan 24, 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp), Belgium (entrance next to the chapel)
Skull Base Team
Dept. of Neurosurgery
GZA Hospitals campus Sint-Augustinus
Oosterveldlaan 24
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)
Tel: +32 (0)3 443 37 71
E-mail: info@neurochirurgiegroep.be
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